Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The Story the Left does not want to get out

Shocking News: President Barack Hussein Obama hates Jesus Christ

By: Chad Newton

Disclaimer: To many of you the headline is shocking, but it’s true. Barack Hussein Obama hates Jesus Christ and hates America. Obama is nothing more than a closet Communist ready to unleash his Marxism on the great American people. Obama will succeed to the level of Hitlerism as Obama continues his sociopathic ideology to his groupies that voted this wicked spirit from hell. Once again this is my opinion; I will do my best to give all the facts.

April 14 – Barack Hussein Obama spoke at Georgetown University’s Gaston Hall in Washington D.C. Everything appeared fine but there was something missing? Jesus name initials (IHS) “In Hoc Singo” (Latin for “In This Sign”) were covered with black spray-painted plywood cut out board.

Why Obama had Jesus initials covered during his speech in Gaston Hall? Is Obama an atheists just like his loose mother and deadbeat father? Obama claims that he’s a Christian under Rev. Jeremiah Wright’s radical black liberation Trinity United Church in Chicago, Ill.

Obama is a narcissist. Obama believes he’s greater than Jesus Christ, that’s why Obama blackened out Jesus name when he spoke at Gaston Hall. The Jesuits founded Georgetown University and believed in the name of Jesus.

The Jesuits should had rejected Obama’s offer bet yet do like Norte Dame and tell him do not come to our University with a mix of “go to hell.” The University of Norte Dame students, alumni, priests, bishops, and community members protest against Obama coming to speak.

The community of Norte Dame reason to refuse Obama because of his extreme far-left pro-abortion, anti-Christ values. University of Arizona says it will allow Obama to speak and cover up Christian symbols but he will not receive an honorary degree.

U of Arizona says Obama has not done anything to earn the honorary degree as President. Obama will guarantee to punish U of Arizona for refusing his request. Every President at least has a belief in a higher power that created this great Earth.

Obama believes in a higher power, “himself” Obama looks in the mirror and chants “Mirror Mirror on the wall who is the greatest savior of all.” Obama does not want the word or symbols of “Jesus” in his presence.

Obama is a compulsive liar. Here are some examples of a Sociopath. “Information provided by Snopes.com”

· Father was a goat herder – FALSE: Father was a privileged educated youth.

· My family has strong ties to African freedom – FALSE: Obama’s cousin Raila Odinga caused mass violence in attempt to overturn a 2007 Kenyan election.

· My Grandmother has always been a Christian – FALSE: Sarah Obama has forever been a Muslim. Ms. Obama attempted to go Christian but was met with resistance from her Muslim family.

Obama lies about some of the smallest things asked by interviewers and media alike. How can we trust a President that snubs Jesus Christ? How can we trust a President that meets and greets with America’s enemies? How can we trust a President that bad-mouths America to impress the members of G20? How can we trust a President that takes his order from a cell phone? How can we trust a President that bows his allegiance to King Abdullah?

I will go on record to say this: I Hate Barack Hussein Obama and here are others who hate him

· God hates Obama

· Jesus hates Obama

· Buddha hates Obama

· Allah hates Obama

· Muhammad hates Obama

· Abraham Lincoln hates Obama

· Martin Luther King Jr. hates Obama

· George Washington hates Obama

· Rosa Parks hates Obama

· Ninjas hates Obama

· Michael Savage hates Obama

· Rush Limbaugh hates Obama

· Jesse Jackson hates Obama

· Al Sharpton hates Obama

· Rednecks hates Obama

· Angels hates Obama

· Lucificer hates Obama

· Queen Elizabeth II hates Obama (except Michelle)

· King Tut hates Obama

· Moses hates Obama

· David hates Obama

· Gandhi hates Obama

· Mother Teresa hates Obama

· Pope Benedict 16th hates Obama

· Pastor Manning hates Obama

· Hardworking taxpaying Americans hates Obama

· Bruce Lee hates Obama

· John F. Kennedy hates Obama

· Batman, Superman, Spiderman, and Iron Man hates Obama

· Alex Jones and David Icke hates Obama

Everyone who is a hardworking taxpaying American citizen that loves America will not stand against this Communist, Socialist, Surrender master, Deception king, Anti-Christian, Abortion lover, Uber tax master, bogus President.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Obama Vs Rush: Left Wing President picks fight with Infamous Right Wing talk radio commentator

The battle between the talk radio giant and the President of the United States would eventually come, but not this soon early in the game. President Barack Hussein Obama made a comment chiding the republicans about getting their political advice from infamous talk radio multi-millionaire, Rush Limbaugh. Limbaugh fired back by listing off Obama's Uber leftist decisions he has made withing the first week in office. Why would B. Hussein Obama waste his time attacking a known bigot who could not get his facts straight? Is Limbaugh right about Mohammed's (Obama's) positions can help destroy the country? Let's be honest, Former President George Walker Bush Jr. allowed stock market speculators run wild like the Pirates of the Caribbean. The economy is in a terrible position and it needs rescuing. Obama's trillion dollar stimulus package sounds porkish. Where is the money actually going to? Why not give every taxpaying American $25,000 boost per taxpayer. That means, rich taxpayers and poor taxpayers. Let's keep jobs here in American ans stop the shipping of jobs by corporations. We also need to cut the corporate welfare from these un-productive fat-backs that sit in a 1.2 million dollar office like pretty boy Johnny Thaim. Give small businesses larger tax breaks so they can hire more people and keep the business running. Cut out programs that show no results but waisting money. Fuck the wetlands and everglades and these bridge and road to nowhere (Alaska) projects which spends taxpayers hard earned money. Many people want tax cuts across the board, there is a problem with that? We will have more money to spend, but less money for infrastructure. Infrastructure is roads, highways, Internet, buildings, decent hospitals, etc. There is a trade-off when you have tax cuts. I oppose high taxes, but I do want better roads. I'll let the audience decide who is right and who is wrong.

Friday, January 9, 2009

The weakness of Governor Sarah Palin

Governor Sarah Palin (R-AK) goes on a barracuda rampage against the so-called Liberal Media and CBS Anchorwoman Reporter, Katie Couric. This outlandishness may be a sign of defiance and toughness for the no longer Lincoln Republican Party. The Republican Party has totally lost it's Lincoln luster, it's Regan sparkle, it's Eineshower shine. Now the Republican Party is filled with idiots, bigots, Rednecks, and cowards. What Palin has done is a vital weakness for the Republican Party, say too much to the people who are truly in power. Instead of being Governor of Alaska, Palin decides to attack instead of hide in the darkness and build up her power from there. Stay out of the spotlight, and grow stronger, do not take the media attacks to heart, because if you do, the attacks will resonate even stronger and accurate. Palin show weakness as the more she volunteers to show her anger and displeasure. That is something you do and say in your memoirs when you are about to pass away. Palin is not doing any favors with her venting, that is something you do behind the scenes in the shadows and not in the light. Palin makes it too easy for her campaign to be ruined before posting election run in 2012. People must understand Palin will never be President not because she's a female, but because she does not have the Bloodline of Presidents running through her veins, OBAMA does, actually 6 Presidents.

Palin's cowardice and weakness with her whining excuses does not make her a nerves of steel moose hunter that she portrays in the media and the mindless sheepeople that follow her snake charming tactics. Palin could had remained in power if she said less and not make a fool out of herself.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Give Roland Burris the senate seat

Former Attorney General from the State of Illinois, Roland Burris nominated for United States Senator seat from disgraced Governor Rod Blagojevich. Burris is not tainted in the investigation of Gov. Blago. Democrats Senators are refusing to seat Burris even though he was legally appointed by the troubled governor of Illinois. Senate Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) takes a stand against Burris seating. Burris went to Washington D.C. on Monday to confirm his position with a signed certificate but without the Sec. of State of Illinois signature because the Sec. refuses to sign it due to the investigation. Legally what the senate did is unconstitutional. Burris is not tainted in the investigation. The pettiness of the Democrats will make the party look childish and weak like the neo-conservatives. The best strategy for the Dems is to give Burris the senate seat.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Mr. Nigga Non-Sense: Louis Farrakhan

It's Mr. Nigga Non-Sense Louie X. Farrakhan accuses "Satanic" Jews of destroying BET and the Black American culture. Farrakhan creates a great illusion that the Jews are destroying Black people and their sense of dignity. Remember audience for those who know about Farrakhan's history along with the Nation of Islam. Farrakhan or Louis X during the time of Malcolm X's prime firebombed Malcolm X's home out of hate and jealousy of his power. The NOI was threatened with Malcolm's influence on the American people. Malcolm felt he was getting close to the truth. On his pilgrimage to Mecca (The Middle East) he figured out the truth about Islam. There were White Muslims, Asian Muslims, Arab Muslims, Hispanic Muslims, and all types of ethnic Muslims all over the world. The NOI was teaching lies and deceit filled with hatred for the White Man and non-Muslims. Malcolm saw the truth for what it was and decided to change his philosophy when Malcolm investigated on the NOI leader Elijah Muhammad. Malcolm attempted to reveal the truth about the NOI and their pow-wow with the FBI. It was too late the NOI came in with guns and murdered him like a cow in a slaughterhouse. Farrakhan was involved in this incident.

The paragraph was just an understanding of the Nation of Islam along with it's leader Farrakhan's deception of hatred among the Jewish people. Black people chose to watch BET, black people represent BET chose to play those despicable videos, Bob Johnson chose to sell BET because he knew the direction it was going with these no good Black men and women demeaning themselves on a National scale. The White Man did not put a gun to your head and say "Heh Nigger or Nigger Woman" I want you to be in a rap video, I want you to rap, demean yourself for our entertainment, I want you to sell your blackness to the white man. Nope, the black man/woman chose to sell themselves short, they chose to play the roles necessary to win an Oscar or an VMA award. Don't listen to Farrakhan because Nation of Islam is nothing but a false religion filled with hatred. If any NOI has a problem with that then they can contact me.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Gays and Black Mad Again on OBAMA

When will the foolishness end.............

It seems the Gays and Lesbos are upset at Pres-Elect Barack Hussein Obama about his choice for choosing Pastor Rick Warren to open up his inauguration. Warren has a church named Saddleback Ministry in California. The Gays are upset of Obama's choice because they claim it goes against his policies on Gay and Lesbo rights. Warren was a Pro Proposition 8 in which the proposition bans gay and lesbian marriages in California. Obama believes Gays and Lesbo should have equality but as far as marriage, he says he will lead that up to the states.

The blacks are angry at Obama because there is no black minister doing the inauguration for Obama. The gay part I can understand them being upset but you Niggas have no reason to be upset at Obama. Just because Obama did not chose an black minister to run his introduction, you Niggas are more racist that the Klannies. You expect Obama to bend over backwards for you because he's your skin color and you voted him in. It was more white people who voted him in than blacks. Do not expect Obama to bend over ass backwards to satisfy you. You have been losing for over 500 years just like Pastor Manning said. Leave that man alone and let him choose to what he wants to do. For those that do not know Rev. Joseph Lowery(who is black) is doing the Benediction for Obama's inauguration.

Monday, December 15, 2008

The sic and sad mind of Gov. Blagojevich

What in the hell is wrong with Blago!!!! This man attempted(on wiretap) to sell the senate seat of Barack Hussein Obama, did he know that technology is a mother*****r. Has this "hack" heard of counterintelligence? If you are going to do something as scandalous as "Pay to Play" game, at least be incognito about the situation. Looks like the "Jackson" name always draws attention and not the best kind. Jesse Jackson Jr. was implicated as Senator #5 in buying the seat. Jackson is not a suspect and has also denied the claim.

I thought I was watching "Casino" the movie when Blago got on the phone barking orders like Joe Pesci as Nicky Santoro. This guy is truly animated.

I Plea With N.Y. Governor Patterson

DO NOT PUT THAT NO GOOD WOMAN CAROLINE KENNEDY IN THE SENATE. Kennedy does not qualify to take the senate position. What has she done that would give her qualification to take the NY Senate seat? Gov. Patterson reconsider this action sir. Mr. Andrew Cuomo would be a logical and excellent choice for the Senate seat. He has experience, integrity, all that a perfect future senator needs to efficiently represent NY. Do not put that cursed family Kennedy in the senate, it's bad enough Ted Kennedy is still alive and got away with murder, but to have 2 Kennedys in the Senate, no way hose. Where was Caroline when things got tough for the Democrats, where was she?? No where to be found. Gov. Patterson make the right choice sir, for New York, for America.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Is Jermaine Taylor involved in the Anne Pressly Murder?

Former Middleweight Champion, Jermaine Taylor rumored to be implicated in the murder of Anne Pressly. Pressly a reporter for Channel 7 news in Little Rock, Arkansas was attacked in her home late October. She was bludgeoned unconscious and then several days later she died in the hospital. Rumor is to be said that Taylor had an love affair with Pressly and was pregnant with his child. Alleged autospy reports stated she was raped with a hammer handle. Suspect that was arrested named Curtis Vance through DNA samples and convence store survelliance cameras using a stolen credit card from Pressly. Some even rumored Taylor's wife, Erica Taylor was the person who ordered the hit. Her intentions were to force Pressly a miscarriage, but it all went wrong as Pressly kicked the suspects ass but eventually got violent and what created the carnage.

Barack Obama : Change of Thought

Are we seeing a change of thought within the newly elected President Obama. The Lier Jet Liberals thought Obama was going to do their bidding. Obama's once liberal policies are becoming more conservative. This is a big let down for those Communist Flag waving socialist. And what is this with Bush blaming De-regulation decisions in the market 10 years back before he came in the office. Is he also saying that his father George H.W. Bush (former president) is to blame for Juniors failures in getting this economy to it's reasonable levels? What a damn sham Bush Jr. can't just accept accountability for his decisions during the 8 years of his administration. I hope and pray Pres-Elect Obama does a better job.