Thursday, December 18, 2008

Gays and Black Mad Again on OBAMA

When will the foolishness end.............

It seems the Gays and Lesbos are upset at Pres-Elect Barack Hussein Obama about his choice for choosing Pastor Rick Warren to open up his inauguration. Warren has a church named Saddleback Ministry in California. The Gays are upset of Obama's choice because they claim it goes against his policies on Gay and Lesbo rights. Warren was a Pro Proposition 8 in which the proposition bans gay and lesbian marriages in California. Obama believes Gays and Lesbo should have equality but as far as marriage, he says he will lead that up to the states.

The blacks are angry at Obama because there is no black minister doing the inauguration for Obama. The gay part I can understand them being upset but you Niggas have no reason to be upset at Obama. Just because Obama did not chose an black minister to run his introduction, you Niggas are more racist that the Klannies. You expect Obama to bend over backwards for you because he's your skin color and you voted him in. It was more white people who voted him in than blacks. Do not expect Obama to bend over ass backwards to satisfy you. You have been losing for over 500 years just like Pastor Manning said. Leave that man alone and let him choose to what he wants to do. For those that do not know Rev. Joseph Lowery(who is black) is doing the Benediction for Obama's inauguration.

Monday, December 15, 2008

The sic and sad mind of Gov. Blagojevich

What in the hell is wrong with Blago!!!! This man attempted(on wiretap) to sell the senate seat of Barack Hussein Obama, did he know that technology is a mother*****r. Has this "hack" heard of counterintelligence? If you are going to do something as scandalous as "Pay to Play" game, at least be incognito about the situation. Looks like the "Jackson" name always draws attention and not the best kind. Jesse Jackson Jr. was implicated as Senator #5 in buying the seat. Jackson is not a suspect and has also denied the claim.

I thought I was watching "Casino" the movie when Blago got on the phone barking orders like Joe Pesci as Nicky Santoro. This guy is truly animated.

I Plea With N.Y. Governor Patterson

DO NOT PUT THAT NO GOOD WOMAN CAROLINE KENNEDY IN THE SENATE. Kennedy does not qualify to take the senate position. What has she done that would give her qualification to take the NY Senate seat? Gov. Patterson reconsider this action sir. Mr. Andrew Cuomo would be a logical and excellent choice for the Senate seat. He has experience, integrity, all that a perfect future senator needs to efficiently represent NY. Do not put that cursed family Kennedy in the senate, it's bad enough Ted Kennedy is still alive and got away with murder, but to have 2 Kennedys in the Senate, no way hose. Where was Caroline when things got tough for the Democrats, where was she?? No where to be found. Gov. Patterson make the right choice sir, for New York, for America.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Is Jermaine Taylor involved in the Anne Pressly Murder?

Former Middleweight Champion, Jermaine Taylor rumored to be implicated in the murder of Anne Pressly. Pressly a reporter for Channel 7 news in Little Rock, Arkansas was attacked in her home late October. She was bludgeoned unconscious and then several days later she died in the hospital. Rumor is to be said that Taylor had an love affair with Pressly and was pregnant with his child. Alleged autospy reports stated she was raped with a hammer handle. Suspect that was arrested named Curtis Vance through DNA samples and convence store survelliance cameras using a stolen credit card from Pressly. Some even rumored Taylor's wife, Erica Taylor was the person who ordered the hit. Her intentions were to force Pressly a miscarriage, but it all went wrong as Pressly kicked the suspects ass but eventually got violent and what created the carnage.

Barack Obama : Change of Thought

Are we seeing a change of thought within the newly elected President Obama. The Lier Jet Liberals thought Obama was going to do their bidding. Obama's once liberal policies are becoming more conservative. This is a big let down for those Communist Flag waving socialist. And what is this with Bush blaming De-regulation decisions in the market 10 years back before he came in the office. Is he also saying that his father George H.W. Bush (former president) is to blame for Juniors failures in getting this economy to it's reasonable levels? What a damn sham Bush Jr. can't just accept accountability for his decisions during the 8 years of his administration. I hope and pray Pres-Elect Obama does a better job.

Monday, December 1, 2008

NOW, we are in a Recession

Oh, okay, all along everyone is saying "there is no recession," it's a slow-down. Now news reports say that we are in a "recession." Over 95% of the people knew that all along, it's just the 5% percent didn't read the memo. Good News - Gas is Low, buying a new house is easier, stocks are ready to purchase at ultra, maximum, super crazy, low, low, low prices per share. Bad News - Jobs lost, people are out of finances, old folks are questioning their social security. Oh well hopefully some of us can use this advantage to make money instead of worrying about the next paycheck. It's a perfect opportunity to make good decisions so when the economy picks back up, you will be better off.